Reserve a property
So you've seen one of our houses that you like and want to take it? Here are the simple 4 steps needed to make the property yours.
Step 1 - Check the paperwork
Here are copies of the tenancy agreement and guarantor forms. Please make sure you understand and agree to the terms and if you have any questions please feel free to contact us. These are only samples so there is no need to sign anything at this stage.
Step 2 - Fill in the reservation form
For us to draft the real tenancy agreements we need everyone to please fill in a copy of the form below. We will assume the first person to fill it in to be the lead tenant unless informed otherwise.
Step 4 - Send us your deposit
Please get the lead tenant to send us a single bank transfer for the deposit of £3200 (or £1200 if using the reduced deposit option) to our bank. Name: Johann Rowan. Account number: 82777057 Sort code: 09-01-28.
Step 4 - Finalise the paperwork
Having received your full deposit and the completed reservation forms we will draft the tenancy agreement and guarantor forms using your provided information. We use electronic signing to do all our paperwork so you'll shortly afterwards receive a further email with full instructions of how to complete the signing process. After all the paperwork has been completed the house is yours!